Wedding Professionals: Advertise on Wedding Chicks!! Here's Why:

Why You Need to Advertise on Wedding Chicks

We love Pinterest .... duh!  We love traffic ... hells yeah!!  We love pretty wedding stuff ... obvs!  Let's put all of those into one delicious website and create some traffic and eyes in YOUR direction!  Today I am talking about my favorite chicks ... the Wedding Chicks.

I am a huge advocate for advertising with online platforms that offer MORE than just a listing ... and Wedding Chicks offers that!  They have PAGES on their site dedicated to their advertisers and it really is Pinterest for weddings!!  It's so gorgeous!  See a sneak peek below:

Now, before you get all: Ok, what are they paying you for this post ... they don't even know I'm writing this post ... I just recently became obsessed because I am submitting daily for my clients who advertise on WC ... and I am freaking out about how awesome it is!  Each image clicks directly to the advertiser's website ... AND: when an image is pinned, the advertiser's 'link' goes with the description << and you know how much I preach about the description that Pinterest pulls ... it's all good news!!  Below is what happens when a bride/groom opens an image in these wedding inspiration pages:

BOOM!!!!!!!  All of your information!!!  Even links to your social media accounts!!  It really is awesome!!  You can submit up to 3 images per day!!  PER DAY!!  If this isn't reason enough to pay the annual fee of $150 ... I'm not sure what is.  Of course, as an advertiser you can also submit to be a part of their Happy Hour posts ... which is super cool, too!!

XO~ Heather