5 Tips To Improve Your Company Website or Blog

5 Tips That Can Improve Your Website or Blog

This morning I brought up a subject that didn't go over so well with a few of my readers ... now let's get back to what this site is MOSTLY about: tips, tricks, and advice.  Here are 5 tips that can improve your company website or blog :)

1.  Have a clear and easy way for people to contact you.  This should require no more than one click to access from any page of your website.  If you are using a contact submission form please make sure to also LIST your email address in text (some people don't like going the submission form route << I know I don't.  If you are worried about spam, you can write it like this:  heather @ theeditorstouch(dot)com  

2.  When linking other businesses or websites on your own webpage, always make sure that you are setting the link to “open in a new window/tab” so that you aren’t losing people to the other site.

3.  If the initial image that people see on your website could be considered “dated,” change it to a new image that reflects your current work.  Your homepage is the FIRST impression you make (in most cases) so make it a great one that keeps them around!

4.  Review your choice to have music automatically play.  Since many prospective clients browse at work, you may be inadvertently getting them in trouble or turning them off and if they leave, you may never get them to return.  I click directly away from any “autoplay” sites.

5.  Mobile is the future.  Have you looked at your site on your phone or your iPad lately?

Pretty straight and to the point, hah? ;)  I'm not always so heavy on the words ... lol ... and if you like this type of format (less talk, more action), you'll love my post about 5 minute tasks and the social media daily checklist!

XO~ Heather