Summer is heating up here in Boise, Idaho where we live and it gave me renewed energy and excitement over designing something NEW for my semi custom website design collection … there is a story behind this layout and the name, which I will share in a different blog post in a bit … but for now, I want to introduce my newest design:


I absolutely love the homepage of this layout … it has all the things I adore, with a few added elements I’ve never applied to any of my other website designs before … definitely some new favorites for me! Below is the mockup of my demo website and I have to give a major shoutout to Jenny Quicksall for giving me permission to her her photos for my demo …

The portfolio layout is classy, intriguing, and clean … my favorite way to design ;)

Beautiful to scroll on a mobile device as shown below!

Want to see this layout in a fully dressed up demo site? Click below!