I am constantly trying to keep my semi custom website design line up to date, current, and image-beautiful … it’s proving to be very difficult to find the time … hahaha … so, I’m taking the original designs one at a time and giving them a much needed upgrade … the most recent one that I gave an overhaul is:

The Signature

The Signature was my FIRST semi custom website design look … which I launched a little over a year ago … I still loved the ‘inspiration’ behind the look, but it needed some major love … LUCKILY for me, I know one of the most amazing photographers around:


and she offered up her images for the demo. Thank you SO SO SO MUCH Jenny Quicksall Photography for sharing your talents with me for my demo for The Signature!!

Below is the new homepage layout my clients will receive when they hire me to build The Signature for them … fonts will change to match branding and the top trio of images rotates to reveal up to 7 banners in the slideshow.

For the portfolio page I played with a romantic graphic of a twig on the demo thumbnails … that graphic can change or be removed according to my client and their vibe … I also played with a soft lavender backdrop, which can be adjusted to match the tone my client wants portrayed on the website … clients can choose to have 6, 9, or 12 optimized galleries linking from this page:

Overall, I am HUGELY CRUSHING on this new look … it’s romantic, sophisticated, clean, and eye-catching … works beautifully on a mobile device too!

Contact me if you feel this is the PERFECT fit for your online face!

XO~ Heather