My client Jenny Quicksall has been SO AMAZING about allowing me to use her GORGEOUS images on my semi custom demo websites that it’s about time I named one of them after her … and that’s just what I’m doing! Introducing:

The Jenny

The newest addition to my exclusive website template collection … and she’s truly a beaut!

I decided to go darker and moodier for this demo site because I often get asked if I’m willing to work with darker vibes on websites … the answer is of course YES! I love dark vibes! I wanted to visualize that for clients … and also say that ANY of my exclusive templates can be made darker and moodier … all it takes is the right images, fonts, and accent colors!

Below is a homepage mockup of The Jenny:

The portfolio landing page is kind of fun … flipping per row to showcase the image on a different side and clean lines for the ‘call to action’ gallery opening button:

… and on a mobile:

For those who dig a softer and more romantic feel, I also created a mockup using lighter coloring so you can visualize it with those colors as well:

Any of my semi custom designs can be changed to showcase any mood your company is into ;)

View the demo website for The Jenny below!

XO~ Heather