Who Do You Make Idea Babies With?? Why Having Industry Friends Is So Important for Your Business to Thrive.

Making Idea Babies | The Editor's Touch

I am giddy with excitement right now ... it's Sunday morning which means my husband has the day off!!  A little tidbit about me and my life: my husband is a courier for FedEx which means that every December he disappears for 6 days a week, 12+ hours per day, and we never see him.  It also means I am playing the role of single mom who runs her own business << not my favorite role ... but on SUNDAY it's on!!!  I have a parenting partner and I can make plans to leave if I want sans kids ... and today I will be doing just that because I srsly have cabin fever over here.

Kimberly Person of Alante Photography | Heather Sharpe of The Editor's Touch

This morning I get to have coffee with Kimberly of Alante Photography (a photo of us together is above) ... Kim is my girl ... she is one of my very best friends.  We have the best time together no matter what we do ... but one of our favorite activities:

>> Making Idea Babies <<

Kim and I make very cute babies ... very successful babies ... our babies have babies of their own and it's amazing.  Do we always use ALL of our idea babies?? NO!!  But the brainstorming session is what is important ... it gets us excited, it gets our creative blood pumpin', and it makes us motivated to kick a little ass with our company!!  << and that, my friends, is what making idea babies is really all about.

Here's the thing:  you want your company to STAY YOUNG.  I'm sorry, what Heather???  Yes, you want your company to STAY YOUNG!!!  I may be 36 and have the knowledge of somebody who has been blogging and designing websites for 8+ years ... but I am staying young.  What does that mean??  It means I'm not getting stale ... I'm not letting myself go ... I am staying alert.  My business may be getting older in months (can you believe that The Editor's Touch isn't even a year old yet???) but it's staying young where everything else is concerned.  I am keeping up with the trends ... if this branding starts aging and looking dated I will change it that very day!!  I will stay current ... and that is where the idea babies come in!!  When Kim and I form ideas they keep us young ... they keep us on our toes ... they keep us looking ahead towards the future :)

Do you have industry friends to make cute babies with???  I really do hope so!!!  It's vital!  Make friends - real friends that you care about - in your industry. 

I wrote this post about how to defeat negative feelings with you own your own business that kinda ties into this subject ... It's a good one to bookmark for those days when you're feeling down in the dumps.

Ok ... I'm off to have my idea babies and coffee and chit-chat with my girl ... I wish you a very happy Sunday!!  And if you have a special someone you make idea babies with then share this post and tag them in to let them know they are appreciated!!

XO~ Heather

Pssssst .... here is a sneak peek of an idea baby that Kimberly and I had together ... all photos are by Alante Photography.

Umbrellas:  Bella Umbrella | Beauty:  OffWhite Makeup and Beauty | Invitations:  Copper Willow Paper Studio | Dress:  Jenny Yoo

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