Take A Peek At Your Website on Your Phone ... PLEASE!!

When Is The Last Time You Looked At Your Website on a Mobile Phone? | The Editor's Touch

How many times have you picked up your phone today?  How often are you sitting on the couch and look over at your desktop computer that is 10 feet away and think 'that's way too far away' and reach for your phone to go online instead?? Me!!  Me!!  Me!! So, here's my next question:  

When is the last time you took a good hard look at your company website on a mobile phone?

Have You Looked At Your Website on Your Phone Lately? | The Editor's Touch

If you are on your phone to go online then other people are on their phone to go online ... it's just the way today goes!  We do the things on our phone because doing the things on our phone is convenient.  I mean, hello(!!??), a phone fits in your pocket, in your purse, next to your bed ... why wouldn't people grab at it more often then walking to a desk and typing on an *actual computer* ... I always like to remind people that almost 55% of your website traffic will come from a mobile device.  Want proof??

Mobile Traffic is Higher Than a Desktop | The Editor's Touch

Look at those numbers!!!  I launched The Editor's Touch in mid April and every month my mobile traffic has beat out the desktop.  So: my point is you need to take a look at your mobile website ... and decide if it's turning people off ... is it just a miniature version of your desktop 'look'??  If so: YUCKY!!!!!  Here is what my mobile versions look like:

The Editor's Touch on Mobile
The Editor's Touch on Mobile

Instead of just a shrunken down version of how my website looks on a desktop my website interface is designed to change according to the type of screen reading my website ... and that is what I do for ALL of my clients when I design their sites ... because if that 50%+ of traffic sees something tiny and hideous when they pop in on their mobile I am looking at a pretty high bounce rate.

Do me a favor RIGHT NOW and go to your mobile browser and type in your website URL and look ... if you love it: yay!!  If you have to squint your eyes to even make out the navigation bar we should chat ;)

Here is a link to a post I wrote about the importance of having a mobile optimized website << give it a read!

And HUGE THANK YOU to Kimberly of Alante Photography (a fabulous Seattle wedding photography company) for snapping up the darling photo of me looking at my phone :)

XO~ Heather