Are You a Southern California Wedding Professional? Then Read This. (You're Welcome)

Southern California Wedding Vendor | The Southern California Bride | The Editor's Touch

A lot of my clients are in SoCal ... so I have access to their metrics via their website ... I can see who is giving them traffic and who isn't ... and guess what???  The Southern California Bride blog is ALWAYS the highest referrer when it comes to other online wedding websites/blogs.  Yeah.  You are hearing this from someone who is IN THEIR WEBSITE ... looking ... and I'm loving what I'm seeing!

Here's the thing: if you are a SoCal bride ... and there is a blog that FOCUSES on your area ... and the blog editor is a total photo snob << Damaris, this is the highest compliment coming from me ... then where else would you be????

Here's another thing:  you have a higher chance of getting PREQUALIFIED traffic from a local wedding blog that you do from a national wedding blog ... sorry, no sorry.  If you are a NYC bride would you go daily to a wedding blog that is hardcore SoCal??  Probably not.  If you are a SoCal bride and there is a blog that caters to YOU??  That's where I'd be!!

Damaris, editor of The Southern California Bride blog, is AWESOME!!  She promotes her paying members via her social media and puts together styled shoots for her advertisers!  It's a great opportunity for a SoCal wedding pro ... if I were you I'd add this platform to my advertising strategy immediately ... like, now ... GO!!

Oh, and one thing about LOCALIZED wedding blogs ... don't ask them their traffic ... or if you do, be educated on it.  If there is a blog that focuses on SoCal and gets SoCal traffic then their pool is much smaller than a big national wedding blog ... just keep in mind this: PREQUALIFIED TRAFFIC.  This is way more important than how many people IMO ;)  I feel the same way about a DIY wedding blog ... will brides go to a DIY blog to find people to hire???  Just some food for thought ...

XO~ Heather

PS: I don't write things FOR wedding blogs ... Damaris doesn't even know I am posting this ... so, this is 100% me.  From my research with all my SoCal clients and from seeing Damaris in action for her paying advertisers!!

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