My Favorite Amy Poehler Quotes and How They Relate to the Business World | Let's Do This, Monday!!!

My Favorite Amy Poehler Quotes and How They Relate to the Business World

Shall we do this, Monday!!??  I'm sitting here sipping my 'bulletproof coffee' and was browsing FB (obvs, I have to get my news in for the day) ... skipping the depressing stuff (can people please stop sharing links about abused animals on their FB pages??), reading that we might have a white Christmas this year in Seattle (yesssssss!!!!), and reading about the amazing Amy Poehler who always makes me smile.  I decided to pull a few of her quotes off Google images and share ... because I feel like we can always use a little motivation to start off the week.  Am I right???

Amy Poehler Quotes | "I just love bossy women.  I could be around them all day.  To me, bossy is not a pejorative term at all.  It means somebody's passionate and engaged and ambitious and doesn't mind leading."

"I just love bossy women.  I could be around them all day.  To me, bossy is not a pejorative term at all.  It means somebody's passionate and engaged and ambitious and doesn't mind leading."

Raise your hand if you consider yourself a bossy woman.  Mine is held high ... yes, I am bossy.  How else would I get sh*t done???  Now, am I 'bossy BITCHY'???  No.  There is a huge difference.  Of course, sometimes I am a bitch ... who isn't??  But when it comes down to cracking the whip and being a person who cuts through all the crazy and gets it done, I am certainly bossy.  And proud of it.  I take a stand.  I tell someone what I want.  I tell MYSELF what I want.  And I do it.

Be assertive in your business life ... take charge ... show people your passion and it will be contagious!!  It will be respected. 

Amy Poehler Quotes | "Routing for other people's failure does get in the way of your success."

"Routing for other people's failure does get in the way of your success."

Doesn't the wedding industry let you down sometimes??  Like you sit there thinking: is this high school again???  Don't rout for people to fail just so you can succeed.  I can't stand bitter people who play the victim card ... that's no way to live.  It all goes back to taking charge ... if you are busy kicking ass all over the place with your passion and gumption then you won't have time to even notice what the competition around you is doing and one day you'll wake up and be awesomely successful and 'those people' who you might have been sour towards before might come to YOU for business advice ... be friendly.  Be kind.  Be supportive: even to your competition.

Amy Poehler Quotes | "Sometimes painful things can teach us lessons that we didn't think we needed to know."

"Sometimes painful things can teach us lessons that we didn't think we needed to know."

OMG when I lost Style Unveiled I thought the world had ended ... I felt like a part of me died and I didn't know what to do.  I wrote on that blog and created on that blog for 8 years straight ... it was my whole world.  But: I was forced to create something good out of a very hard lesson and I would have never known all the amazing stuff that was possible if my wedding blog hadn't been taken from me.  It was a gift!!  It was meant to be.  I am happier now than I ever thought possible and it came from something ugly, sad, and dark.

You never know what is around the corner ... I could get cheesy right now and say that there's a rainbow at the end of each storm ... but if you're in a dark place right now you'll just want to smack me across the face.  All I can say is trying to find something positive to grow out of a negative situation will make you a survivor.  Be adaptable and you'll be successful.

Amy Poehler Quotes | “Great people do things before they're ready. They do things before they know they can do it. Doing what you're afraid of, getting out of your comfort zone, taking risks like that - that's what life is. You might be really good.…

Great people do things before they're ready. They do things before they know they can do it. Doing what you're afraid of, getting out of your comfort zone, taking risks like that - that's what life is. You might be really good. You might find out something about yourself that's really special and if you're not good, who cares? You tried something. Now you know something about yourself.

I shared this last quote on Instagram today .... it speaks to me on a level I can't even explain.  I feel that planning is overrated and that your best stuff will come out of you when you just JUMP in ... that's how I've always been: Just Do It.  When I wanted to be a wedding planner in 2004 I decided to do it and then I did it ... applied for a business license that very day and started volunteering for the best wedding coordinators in Seattle ... when I wanted to start a wedding blog I did it: didn't research, didn't plan ... you'll learn as you go!  But if you start planning 'to do it' and researching 'about doing it' you may never begin and you'll wake up one day going: shoulda, coulda, woulda :(

XO~ Heather

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