Moo Cards!! OBSESSED!!!

Moo Cards Are The Best For Your Business Brand | The Editor's Touch

I have had so much fun creating a brand for The Editor's Touch ... logo, colors, style, mood ... too much fun!  I am excited to announce that I finally ordered myself some business cards and postcards for further promotion ... and I had to share where I ordered them from:

>> Moo <<

I love Moo for many reasons ... they make it super easy for anyone to create a gorgeous printable for their business ... you don't have to know how to design and they have super chic layouts on their site ready for the picking!  I wanted to design my first batch of The Editor's Touch business cards to mirror my website ... clean, fresh, simple: well branded .... there are a few things I want to change for next time, but for a first 'go' at it, I'm seriously thrilled.

>> Heather, do people really still use business cards??  Isn't everything done through social media, email, or online these days?? <<  

I had that *exact* same thought!!  Then I was sipping my coffee at a local Seattle spot and someone chatted me up ... small talk led to what I do for a living ... and they asked me if I had my business card handy: my face dropped.  I didn't have sh*t to give them that represented me!!  MAJOR FAIL!!!  I will never have that problem again ... I literally went home, designed some cards on Moo, paid extra for the overnight shipping ... my cards came and now I am set!!  My wallet is packed full so that in the future if I meet a stranger who is looking for the services I offer I can send them home with some The Editor's Touch branding!

Below is a voucher to save 10% off your first order with Moo!!  Take a peek at what they offer and see if it's a fit for you and your brand!

XO~ Heather