If Your Website is a Wix, You May Be Temporarily in the Sh*ts (by Google)

Google Temporarily De-Indexes Wix Websites | The Editor's Touch

Do you have a website on a Wix interface??  If so, I'm sorry to say you may be in a bit of trouble ... and the timing couldn't be worse:  as we are headed right into ENGAGEMENT SEASON ... which means: HIRING SEASON.  So, what is happening with Wix sites??  Google has stopped indexing them and has hidden old indexing all together ... meaning you will see a major decline in your website traffic - and brides can't find you on Google.

Are they fixing the issue?  They say they are ... but it could take a while and I actually consider this a really great time for you to get out of your Wix website ... while Wix may be easy to use and great for beginners who need a website immediately, it's not great for the long haul ... Wix websites are built on one main platform ... so, just like dominos - when one falls, the rest fall too ... if one Wix website has issues, they all have issues together.  Not exactly something you want to risk with your company website.

My suggestions if you are on a Wix platform:  

  1. Check out your analytics: If you see that your traffic has taken a dive then you know you have been affected by this.
  2. Turn to social media like CRAZY!!!!  Up your activity on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook to make up for the Google loss.  You might even consider doing a few Facebook ad campaigns to push eyes your direction.
  3. Consider changing your website to a stronger interface such as Squarespace or Wordpress ... have questions about this process?  Contact me!
  4. Sign up for a Sponsored Post on a well known wedding blog to help keep traffic going to your website.  Here is a post I wrote about questions to ask before you purchase a sponsored post.

Lastly, if this is happening to you, I'm so sorry ... as a wedding professional this couldn't come at a WORSE time!!!  I'm here if you have questions ... and you'd be surprised how affordable a GORGEOUS website for your company can be when I'm running the show :)

XO~ Heather

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