Feel Like Your Business Is Declining? Are You Losing To Your Competition? Here Are Some Things To Check:

Feel Like Your Business Is Declining?  Are You Losing To Your Competition?  Here Are Some Things To Check:

Nobody likes to feel the loss of business from one year to the next ... it's heartbreaking and scary as a business owner to see your income drop.  Some people take the hit hard and become depressed - which is understandable - but I say battle those feelings of fear with actions that can not only create new business but raise your confidence level!  Here are some ideas to try if you feel your business is down in 2016:

  1. Check to see that your website is MOBILE OPTIMIZED:  If you haven't heard the news, you need to hear it LOUD:  Google changed their algorithm last spring and people are feeling the affects!!  Is your website up to snuff with Google?  One of the reasons your business could be down is that your website isn't generating leads or traffic as much as it was before!  The best way to find out is to take this test and see where you stand.
  2. Take it to SOCIAL MEDIA:  Are you where the traffic is??  If traffic isn't coming to your website you need to go to the traffic ... that could mean being on Instagram more, sending out a few Tweets, posting to your FB feed, or pinning pretties to Pinterest ... up your social media game and you will remind people that you exist!
  3. Check out your COMPETITION:  Has your competition recently rebranded to be more current?  Did they redesign their website?  Are they Instagram superstars?  Your competition can tell you a lot about yourself ... if they are booking take note!  You can learn a lot by successful businesses on what to do to keep clients running your direction!
  4. Create a STYLED SHOOT:  Nothing gets the creative juices flowing like an editorial shoot.  An editorial shoot gives you excitement and new content to show off your craft.  It gives you 'get published' goodies and it also gives you the opportunity to work with industry pros who could refer your work!  Working with a team on a styled shoot reminds pros that are local to you that you are around and that you are fun(?) to work with!  So show them your stuff and start networking!
  5. Find new ADVERTISING avenues:  Are you advertising?  Ok, good.  But have you changed it up recently?  If you just 'renew' like clockwork each year for your advertising but don't check out the new options then you are missing out!  Go see what other people are doing!  Where are their leads coming from?  Change it up and try a few new blogs!  And I always say:  if you have a local wedding blog around then be sure and advertise with them no matter what!
  6. Use your BLOG:  Did I just now remind you that you have a blog??  Get to posting!!  If you are blogging then you are probably showcasing something that you know, something that you did, or something that you are excited to do << all of those things are great for your business pride and gives you stuff to share across social media!

All in all if you are losing business you need to rally!  Get busy!!  When I feel anxious about business and feel it's declining that is when I hop to it and get sh*t done!

XO~ Heather

Pssssst ... did you see the super pretty website I just launched for Michelle Beller Photography??  If not click below to check it out!

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