Are You a Client Hoarder?? Know When to Say 'No' to Save Your Business from a Big Mess.

I want people to SUCCEED!!  I want their business to GROW!!  I want them to be able to SHINE!!  And so I say 'yes' << a lot.  I say 'yes' so much that at least 3 times per year I come face to face with: the big mess.  The big mess is myself basically having a nervous breakdown ... I see all the 'promises' I made to people and how excited they are to receive my "gifts" and I begin to panic.  Really panic.  It took me a long time to learn about my own boundaries when it comes to clients and when it comes to business.

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My Fingers are NOT Combs ... Embracing Change Comes with a Learning Curve

3 days ago I had LONG flowing hair ... hair that I've had for years ... hair that within SECONDS could be wrapped up inside a messy bun or a ponytail ... hair that I could hide and 'pretend' looked amazing in my 5 second topknot.  Now I don't.  I decided to get a haircut on Tuesday ... A haircut that took 7 inches off my long locks and put my hair ABOVE my shoulders.  I sat there watching my hair fall to the floor and was EXCITED about this new change!  I was ready!  I was embracing the new me.  I sat there wide-eyed watching my amazing stylist (who I have been loyal to for years!) chop, chop, chop and with each chop I got more and more nervous-excited!!  Would I love the new look??

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Heather SharpeComment
Pantone Color(s!!) of the Year for 2016 ... Time to Create a Wedding(??) Styled Shoot!

Hmmmmm .... I'm going to admit, when I first saw the colors that Pantone announced for their 2016 colors of the year I was a bit .... well, confused!  Here they are:

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Heather SharpeComment
I'm Talking To You, Canada!! Joy Wed Blog has IT ... Introducing the It List!

I am not going to lie ... I am fully cross-eyed while writing this post ... it's been a crazy week so far ... BUT, I got to spend this craziness with one of my favorite people: Stacey, editor of the new and amazing Canada focused wedding blog Joy Wed!!  She and I have been going back and forth about her It List and the design process has been so fun!!  I'm so happy to announce that it launched today!!  It's super purdy, too :)  I had the best time designing this for Stacey and all her It List members!! 

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Have A Strategy When You Advertise!! Here Are Some Great Tips About Online Advertising!

Advertising doesn't have to be such a pain for you and your small business.  Does it feel like you are just rolling the dice each time you hand over money to a wedding blog to be a part of their special club of paying members??  Maybe that's because you don't have a STRATEGY!!!!  If you don't have an advertising strategy then the time is NOW to get one!  I have written a few great blog posts about advertising that I will share below ... Remember that the time is NOW to get your booty out there and in the faces of BRIDES!!!  Woohoo!! It's engagement season!

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Heather SharpeComment
Party Pieces by Perry Website Gorgeousness!! Launched!!

When Gizelle of Party Pieces by Perry contacted me her website was IN TROUBLE ... it was going down a bad road and she needed it to be pulled back.  I was SO excited because I have been wanting to design a vintage rental company website every since launching The Editor's Touch ... and this was my chance to ROCK IT OUT!!  I am SO excited with the way the new rebrand and website turned out for this company.  I ended up designing a new logo for Gizelle as well as a new website!

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The Winner of My Free Website Design Giveaway Has Their New Website! Congrats, Mad Chicken Studio!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!  Today I am thankful for many things .... and one of them is that the new websites for Mad Chicken Studio (a Duluth wedding photographer) have launched!!!  I loved working with Jes of Mad Chicken Studio for many reasons ... obviously, the former wedding blog editor in me was OBSESSED with her imagery (I mean, wow!!!) but it was working with Jes that really made this job a joy ... she is AWESOME!!!!  She, like me, understands the importance of having more than one domain for your company website ... and so we played with them a bit!

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Want to Know What Makes Google Purr?? They Just Released (for the first time ever) The Full Version Of Their Search Quality Rating Guidelines

The mistress we all want to please:  Google ... but just like a typical 'tease' Google never tells us exactly what they want us to do ... they make us guess ... sometimes they are happy - and sometimes they aren't ... sometimes the trick you've been doing to them for years is all of a sudden a 'no-no' and they deny you out of nowhere!!  Isn't it fun???

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Heather Sharpe Comment
Drop Something on the Ground and You Get 10 Seconds to Eat it - Drop Someone Into Your Website and You Get Less Than 5!

Oh boy, what a week this has been!!!!  I started off with getting the flu shortly after my son had a whole cocktail of viruses to fight off ... now I am slowly getting over my yuckies and my daughter comes down with croup!!  So far my husband is still hanging on ... but barely.  This morning as I was pouring our coffee so we can 'adult' today my son comes in to grab his pumpkin bread and drops it on the floor ... "oh man!!" he says and my brain (on autopilot) tells my mouth to say "don't worry, 10 second rule!!" ... and off he goes to eat his 'floor covered' bread.

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Heather SharpeComment
HoneyBook - Have You Heard Of This Yet?

Have you heard of HoneyBook yet?  As someone who feels the need to organize myself better I am SUPER excited about this!!  I was introduced to HoneyBook by a client last week and have been very interested to find out more!

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Take A Walk on The SweetSide With Me ... Project Launched for this Seattle Bakery!

I am SO excited to announce that The SweetSide website has been zhushed up!!!!  It was an honor to design for the fabulously talented Kara of this popular Seattle sweetshop and I'm beyond thrilled with how this project turned out!

Kara is the SWEETEST girl you'll ever meet and our website design journey was so much fun!!  We are both moms and it was quite an adventure to be on the phone making decisions for her new site while our kids 'needed us' in the background ;)

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What Makes a Great Business Coach?? ... Oh, and BTW I am Offering a Deal ...

If the wedding and lifestyle industry were just 'like all the rest' I wouldn't have started The Editor's Touch .. there wouldn't be a demand for it!  The wedding industry is a special industry ... it's completely different than anything else and that is why you, as a wedding or lifestyle professional, need to be VERY SELECTIVE with who you hire to help guide and mold your company.

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Heather SharpeComment
Photo Galleries and a Blog and Why You Need Both For Your Website

Did you make it through Monday??  I barely did ... I got some sort of 'flu bug' and had both of my kids home all day ... it was a very torturous day for me ... I am excited to attack Tuesday feeling refreshed and alive!!!

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Heather SharpeComment
Less is More: The Current Trend in Website Design and Why 'All White Everything' is The Way to Go

There is a popular trend in website style and I am SO glad.  The 'let's fit as much crap as we possibly can on our homepage and fill the entire site with text' website trend that was going on for a while (and still is for some people) gives me a headache.  The current trend is LESS IS MORE ... white space, gorgeous imagery, less text ... clean, clear, branded, concise, and NO FILLER.  Donchoo love that???

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